Monday 8 July 2013

The Mark of the Beast

Scripture: Revelation 13

In the last days an unholy trinity - a counterfeit of the Trinity of God - will be made manifest on Earth. This unholy alliance will consist of the Antichrist, the False Prophet and the Beast. Over the past forty years a huge computer in Brussels, Belguim, has been storing data concerning every human being on Earth. Its name is also the Beast.

The Beast system is linked to us by our identity numbers or social security numbers. It records every electronic transaction we make with our banks. It knows where we work, live, eat and bank. It controls everything we do through a barcode - like a product barcode.

Because Satan wants to control every soul of mankind he intends to insert a microchip containing all this personal information into the right hand or on the forehead if the hand is missing. Through this mark he will win every soul. Everyone who has the mark will be excluded from Heaven (Rev 14v9-11).

If you don't have the mark you cannot buy or sell. You cannot pay your house bond, buy food or electricity. You cannot be insured or receive medical benefits, nor any government grants. You cannot operate a bank account or go on holiday. Thankfully this terrible situation only fully comes into operation after the Rapture.

But it will affect those who heard about Jesus but were not born again. The only way they will be saved is through martyrdom. In the Old Testament salvation was through the blood of animals (annually on Yom Kippur); in the New Testament through the Blood of Jesus Christ (once for all); after the Rapture only by your own blood.

The number of the Beast is 666. Disguised on every barcode on products, identity documents etc. - is the mark for numerals 666. This number also equates to humanism when god is made in our image. It goes right back to Genesis 3 v 4-5 where Satan conned Eve by saying Of course you can eat the forbidden fruit which will make you wise and you shall be as gods. God forbids us to take this mark as it identifies us as belonging to Satan for all time. Those who have it must woship the Beast.

The days will come when those in the Beast system will have to sms 666 to a fixed number everyday via cellphone to keep your mark active.

Satan has only one plan for our souls and that is to corrupt them utterly through disobedience to God through sin and make them hate and distrust Him. Then he wins. God has only one plan for our souls and that is to redeem or ransom them from the enemy through His Son Jesus' life, death and resurrection.

Jesus stripped Satan of his weapons and all he has left is his ability to con and bluff and lie to us. Our life choice is to decide whether to believe his lies. If you buy the lie you are signed up for the duration.

He can produce an imaginary lump in your breast and you worry fearfully about cancer and chemotherapy and death. Jesus says I healed you 2000 years ago. Who do you believe? It has come upon me personally about 6 times. Serious lump, swelling, pain the lot. I rebuke Satan and return his "gift" to sender. Lump etc disappears within a few days.

If I believe Satan I would go for a mammogram and a biopsy and tests which may or may not tell me its cancer. If you buy his lie he can do what he likes. I choose to believe Jesus and have victory over diseases.

There was a young boy with a huge cancer over his eye. Jesus told me what to pray. The next day they operated and the whole tumour fell into the surgeon's hands leaving a clean cancer free wound.

We were in a prayer meeting and were asked to pray for someone with Leukaemia whose blood was yellow and she would die by morning. We prayed and her blood was red by morning. She lived 6 months and got her life right with Jesus.

So even when the end is near and the Antichrist rules this world, you may have been left behind and want Jesus in your life. You won't need the mark of the Beast because as Jesus fed and cared for the Jews in the wilderness feeding them manna and quails and bringing water out of the rock, so will He care for you. If He turned water into wine, He could turn it into petrol; He could turn stones into bread; and your shoes would never wear out.

Jesus is the Creator of everything and is able to do the impossible with ease. You can safely trust Him with your life and He will meet your faith with His ability to meet every need.

Prayer: Heavenly Father You love us and have made provision for every eventuality that can befall us. All we need is faith to believe it. Let us build up our faith now to meet the unseen challenges so that we always walk in the light with Jesus. In Jesus' name. Amen.