Tuesday 10 November 2015

Signs of a Believer

Signs of a Believer

Scripture: Mark 16 v 15-18; 1 Thessalonians 1 v 5; Acts 28 v 3-6.
Mark 16 v 17: "And these signs shall follow them that believe...."

What makes a disciple, or follower, of Jesus Christ different from a churchgoer. Firstly, they know that they are part of the living church, the invisible body of Jesus. As Jesus said Any two or three gathered in My name, I am in the midst of them. That is church. (Matthew 18 v 20).

Some of the signs that follow a believer are that nothing poisonous or deadly; not scorpions, snakes nor spider bites will kill you. Should not even cause much pain or harm.

The evangelist, Reinhard Bonnke, when in Zimbabwe years ago, preached fiery sermons against witchcraft. He raised the anger of local witchdoctors, who hurled live poisonous snakes at him while he was preaching. He never even blinked just carried on preaching. The snakes could not touch him. The witchdoctors all got saved. Burned their medicine and fetishes in the meeting. They had found a God who was more powerful than their demons. 

Believers speak in new tongues. They get a heavenly language that edifies them daily. It is a great blessing. They lay hands on the sick and they get well. The more you give out the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit, the more abundantly the gifts of healing flow.

It is God at work changing, healing, delivering people from sin and demonic oppression.  The deaf hear, the blind see, the lame walk, the dead are raised, troubled minds are made sound again and gay people can be made straight. God never created a people He would condemn, so Satan twisted them out of shape, and out of their true nature to bring them into condemnation.  Jesus died to set them free.

Prayer: Heavenly Father let my light so shine with Your grace that Your signs shall follow me as Jesus in me continues His ministry. Let me lay hands on the sick and speak in new tongues. In Jesus' name. Amen.