Tuesday 20 September 2016

Danger of Astrology

Scripture: Daniel 4 v 7:
"Then came in the magicians, the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers: and I told the dream before them, but they did not make known unto me the interpretation thereof."

Following your Stars; Horoscopes; Astrological Charts and predictions; are very common today. Every newspaper and magazine has a daily/weekly/monthly/annual column slavishly read as gospel truth.  I knew a person long ago who put these columns together for a large consortium of newspaper groups. She used to just rehash the previous years horoscopes and mix them for this year.

In the Book of Daniel in the Bible astrologers are listed together with magicians, Chaldeans, sorcerers and soothsayers. These are involved with witchcraft and black magic. They bring forth curses and deception and lies to confuse and bind the souls of those who seek knowledge from them.

Its so easy to read your daily horoscope or even plan your life around these predictions, putting your faith in the accuracy of these writings. Those same writings must apply to millions of others who read them and yet hope and important decisions are put in them.

Our God has a personal relationship with each of His children and gives us accurate direct messages for us alone as often as we ask Him. He directs our steps in truth and righteousness; He guides us in life decisions and His desire for us is always good.

God has a plan for each person which starts when we become born again and ready to receive it. His plan differs with each individual and He never competes with the daily divination from the stars. He will wait till you are finished with that deception before He gives you His wisdom.

You need to realise that the Zodiac and all that streams from it is under the control of your arch-enemy. He is plotting your total destruction and will always take the line of least resistance with you. His aim is to kill you and keep you in his evil kingdom so he can taunt God with your soul.

If he kills through suicide, abortion, car accident, plane crash, cancer, smoking, drugs, booze, sexual disease, or any other disease, occult activity, witchcraft or false predictions, he does not care. He achieves his goal. In this world there are only two contenders: our Living God or Satan.

We must choose whom we will serve. And that is where our final destination will be determined. If you choose to follow the sin of the world or even remain neutral you miss heaven forever. If you die unsaved you are lost. Only those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life are safe. They are the disciples of Jesus who are cleansed of sin by His Blood.

So if you want to put your faith in your particular Zodiac sign please make sure you know the ultimate destination of Taurus or Gemini and are happy to spend eternity wishing you had listened to this message. Its a very dangerous lure into a dark and lonely place.

As for me and my house we choose to serve the Lord Jesus Christ who died for us and came back to life to reign forever in a place called Heaven, the home we came from and where we will return. The streets are paved with gold, the city walls made of diamonds and emeralds. There is everlasting joy, no sickness, lame, broken or sorrowful people there. They are all made whole by the love, mercy and power of our Father. 

Prayer: Father God Forgive us if we have entangled ourselves with Zodiac and astrology deceits. We fall out of agreement with every prediction and reject it all forever. Your thoughts and ways are higher than ours yet You allow us to have a close fellowship with You. We worship You in Spirit and in truth. Thank You for unfolding Your majestic plan into our finite lives. Let us always know and submit to Your perfect will. In Jesus' name. Amen.