Sunday 29 September 2019

Buddha, a surprising revelation

Scripture:  1 Timothy 1 v 1 - 4: "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour, and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope;
2  Unto Timothy, my own son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.
3  As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine,
4  Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do."

On doing some research into some interesting ancient associations, this came to light: -


In 2513 B.C. Noah exited the Ark. He told his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, that the descendants of Japheth (Europeans and Mongolians) would extend their territory and live in the house of Shem.   This house of Shem is ancient Israel, which was also called Canaan's land.  Canaan was one of the sons of Ham.

He said that the descendants of Shem (Southern Asians, Jews, and Arabs) would have a special relationship with God.   They would be called Shemites, or Semites, and from this we derive Antisemitism, or hatred of the Jews.  

The origin of this intense hatred was because Shem killed a hero of the world called Nimrod, who had been elevated by his mother to be the god Baal.  Nimrod had conquered many lands, including Egypt, where he and his mother were worshipped as Isis and Osiris.

He conquered Ephesus, and his mother was known as Diana of the Ephesians.  Her original name was Semiramis, in Cairo today you can book into Hotel Semiramis.  She is also known as Ashtoreth, Queen of Heaven; Artemis; Chingmoo of China.  Sadly, the Roman Catholic Church blended Christianity with the Babylonian religion, and the goddess Semiramis was transformed into Mary, Mother of God, and Nimrod was substituted by Jesus Christ.  Nimrod's birthday is 25th December.  

In contrast, Ham was warned that the descendants of  Canaan would be the lowest of slaves. Noah, his sons and all four wives, were the last of those who lived for centuries.  Noah was 600 years old at the time of the Flood.  Those who were born after the Flood had their lifespan reduced by Almighty God to 70 years, three score plus ten.

Siddharta Gautauma Buddha descended from Shem.  He was born in Northern India roughly 600 years before the birth of Jesus.  After the collapse of the Tower of Babel in Genesis, everyone had their own unintelligible language and they scattered.  Those who went to India still worshipped the God of Abraham.  Sadly, over the centuries, that faith was lost and the God of Abraham became known as the god Brahma. 

Some of the other descendants of Shem were used by God to write the Bible.

-  Moses wrote the first five books of the Old Testament (1500-1461 B.C.). He told of the coming of a great Jewish prophet. Anyone who did not listen to him would be called to account before God.  

-  King David wrote the book of Psalms (1064-1024 B.C.) and prophesied that the great king, prophet, Messiah that was to come from his lineage would, in His death, have His hands and feet pierced. The guards would divide his garments and cast lots for his raiment. This Messiah's soul was not to be left in the grave, and His body was not to see decay. The Messiah was to be seated at the right hand of God and given rule and authority.

Isaiah, another descendant of Shem, prophesied (740-712 B.C.) that the coming great one would be called wonderful, counselor, mighty God, prince of peace. His power was to be in his mouth and the words he spoke. He would be despised, forsaken and a man of sorrow. He was to be born of a virgin, do miracles, healing the sick.  He would be lead like a lamb to the slaughter, he would be slain for our iniquities. A book was to be given to lead people out of darkness and gloom. People from all nations were to flow into His kingdom.


It was with this great prophetic background that Daniel (Belteshazzar) was carried into captivity by the Babylonians (606 B.C.). When Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream, revealing that the Medes and Persians were to conquer Babylon, he was elevated to chief administrator of the empire. He had also revealed the great Messiah was to come in 26 A.D. and leave 33 years later. After that a prince (Roman General Titus) was to destroy Jerusalem.

The Medes and Persians then conquered Babylon in 538 B.C. and shortly thereafter elevated Belteshazzar to be the chief administrator of their empire.

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha was born on the edge of the Persian Empire, in northeast India in 563 B.C. In 534 B.C.  At the age of 29, Siddhartha left the protection of his father's castle to explore the world and seek truth. This was shortly after Daniel began to administer the regions near Buddha's home. Soon Darius, the Persian emperor, issued a decree that in every part of his kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel.  

This was after the miracle survival of Shadrach, Meshech and Abednego, friends of Daniel, who were thrown, bound with ropes,  into a fiery furnace for defying the emperor.  Four men were seen walking freely and without harm in the midst of the super-heated furnace.  The emperor declared that the fourth man was like unto the Son of God.

*In 531 B.C. Siddhartha Gautama, Buddha, began his own special ministry. Buddha always claimed to be a mere man and recognized that sin offered a significant problem for himself and other mortal men.

Near his death (483 B.C.) Buddha (The Enlightened One) told his followers, "Regardless of how many laws you have kept, or even if you pray 5 times a day, you cannot be free from your sin. Even though you burn yourself, even though I become a hermit, or am reborn another 10 times, I also shall not be saved." (Manuscript, Praising Temple, Chiengmai, Thailand).

Buddha taught that he was not a "god", but only a man, a truth seeker. But on his death bed Buddha taught that there would be a future Messiah, "Lord of Mercies", who would be able to free men of their sins. Buddha said, "...He is the Lord of Mercies, His name shall be called the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. He is all knowing, all wise. He knows all that is in the human heart. He is Lord of all the angels and of all humans. No one is greater than He." (Sutrapridot 3:107).

Buddha continued to teach of the Lord of Mercies, that "...His side has a wound where he was pierced, and his forehead has many scars. He will carry you to heaven where you will find the triune God. Thus give up following the old way. A spirit from heaven will come and dwell in your heart." (Manuscript, Praising Temple, Chiengmai, Thailand).

Jesus, later, fulfilled all of these prophesies. The awesomeness of the revealed Christ should call all peoples to submit to his rule. He is the only one under heaven through whom we can be saved.

In view of Buddha's familiarity with the coming King of Kings, one must wonder if the Magi of Matthew 2 were Buddhist priests. There is a different, late, seemingly foundless, tradition that the Magi were of mixed races and nationalities. The mixture is hardly supported by the scripture's description of "Magi from the east," who avoid Herod and secretly return to "their country."

In ancient writings, Magi actually refers to a tribe of the Medes that were known for being warriors and priests at the same time. Bardiya, a Magi, raised a rebellion against Cambyses, the son of Cyrus, during the life time of Buddha (521 B.C.). Zoroaster also belonged to this tribe.

Please note that I have added explanations and notes to the original text where I felt it was applicable but from the * to Zoroaster there have been no additions.

I would like to comment that if Buddha was of the offspring of Shem he would have Jewish blood.  If he believed in the coming Messiah as these writings indicate, then he was in Abraham's Bosom when Jesus arrived there after His Crucifixion.  Then Buddha was one who was taken to Heaven with other believers.

Buddhism is, in my opinion, a very different shape to what it was in Buddha's days.  He said he was not a god and knew that sin could not be conquered without the sacrifice of Jesus.  He also knew that there was a Triune God, or Trinity. None of this is apparent in the Buddhist religion today.  It has become idolatry and a false man-made religion, much at odds with Christianity.

Things have been added to what he taught before his death, things he would totally disagree with.  It is likely that he and Daniel knew each other and had some deep conversations.  He has believed in the God of Daniel and wanted to point his followers to the coming Messiah.

It's similar to how Mary must feel.  She was a godly woman who was chosen by God to be the earthly mother of Jesus Christ.  She was not the mother of God.  After Jesus' birth she went on to have other children so she is not an Eternal Virgin.  She was in the Upper Room when the Holy Ghost came upon the Apostles and her.

Mary would never want to be called Co-Redeemer with Jesus, nor ever exalted in prayers on rosary beads.  She would never appear on Earth in Lourdes, Fatima or to St Dominic, to whom she gave rosary beads and instructed him to teach people to pray Hail Mary's for her, to upstage Jesus.  She never went to Heaven like Jesus in "The Assumption".  That is an assumption that is untrue.  She died like every other Christian, and is blessed by that.

Neither Buddha nor Mary want to be anyone's idol.  So if we have statues, pictures, books or any other relic or items pertaining to them, please be kind to them and get rid of it.  They don't want to be remembered that way.  Let us always exalt Jesus and worship the Father in the Holy Spirit and truth.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thanks for opening my eyes to truth and error.  I pray that it will bring light to some who may be bound by idols, images, statues or medallions.  Lead us in strait paths, O Lord, so we remain faithful to You.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.