Sunday 6 September 2020

Grow Faith Muscles

Scripture: Matthew 13 v 58:  "And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.  And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief."

What are you believing in Jesus for?  The first response would be forgiveness of sin and salvation.  For many people that is where they drop anchor and proceed no further.  This is a big mistake because faith in Jesus is able to produce magnificent blessings.

The original disciples did mighty deeds while Jesus was alive.  They healed the sick and cast out demons, which amazed them.  Jesus told them not to wonder that demons were subject to them, and had to obey them, but rather to be glad that their names are written in Heaven.

Jesus told them, and us also, that they could do all the things He did, and after He went to His Father, they could do greater works than He did.  These words apply to all who follow Him.  So why are so many not achieving divine health and performing miracles?  Because of unbelief!

Like the serpent beguiled Eve by causing her to doubt God.  Grooming her to believe a lie that eating the forbidden fruit would make her wise, and like God!

Genesis 3 v 1: "Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?"

Unbelief in this context means that you doubt the ability of God, which is very serious.  You may have prayed for something you desired with all your heart and been disappointed at not getting the right answer.  Your faith suffered as a result.  There are many reasons why prayer does not get answered but specifically you may be praying amiss.  Or you may be praying in anger or bitterness, which is a big block to favourable answers.

We need to pray according to God's will and not our own understanding.  We need to seek His will on every situation before we pray.  Our Father knows what is best for us, He needs us to follow Jesus because He is the way, the truth and the life, and the only way to Him.

The religions of this world claim that all paths lead to God, but they are wrong. There are many gods that inspire people but none of them bring salvation, forgiveness of sin, Heaven, eternal life.  Only Jesus can do that, and so much more if you would only allow your faith to grow some muscles.

He turned water into wine... that means if you believe you can change one substance into another.  People in serious need have run on petrol fumes for many miles after asking God to create a way.  

Moses struck a rock in the Wilderness and water gushed out to quench the thirst of 300,000 people, and their flocks and herds.  When we allow Jesus to pour His living water through us, He will use us to touch the lives of many with truth and knowledge.  But we need absolute faith in God's ability to overcome the obstacles with which Satan will try to discourage us.

Start believing God for small things and let Him increase your faith in Him.  You need to learn to pray correctly, and be sure you are being obedient in all things.  Otherwise He patiently waits for you to get in line with His Word, and His will.  

Also do not keep praying the same prayers over and over as this is unbelief.  When you have prayed and you know He has heard your prayers, then praise and thank Him for the result.  It may not be immediate, but keep praising Him, as this builds patience, which is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus wants to do mighty works through you!  He indwells you and is only blocked by your unbelief.  If you do not believe that He is speaking to you, you will not hear Him.  If you do not act on what He is telling you to do, nothing will change.  The opportunity will be lost.  But if you listen, hear and act you will see things happen.  People will be healed of serious diseases, demons will leave, the lame will walk, people will receive salvation.  And you will be amazed!!

Unbelief is fuelled by fear of ridicule in case you pray and nothing happens.  The enemy wins every time he plays that trick on you.  Something good always happens when you obey Jesus and build some faith muscles.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, we are a new Creation, with Jesus in our hearts longing to touch and heal the sick, to send demons back to Hell, to open the blind eyes.  He needs our faith and willingness to be able to reach them with the truth.  Forgive us Lord for every time our pride, status, position, fear, caused us to block You from doing miracles.  Help us to overcome these blocks and grow our faith abundantly.   In Jesus' name.  Amen.