Friday 3 May 2013

The Chief Corner Stone

Scripture: Ephesians 2 v 13 - 22.

We were once very far from God but He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to make peace by removing the barrier of sin by His own Blood. He abolished the law of commandments that were written against each of us to reconcile us to the Father and destroy our enmity against Him.

Satan turned us into enemies when he held us hostage. He conned us into many foolish lusts with false promises. Instead of abandoning us as hopeless losers Jesus became the ransom that was paid to redeem our souls. His life for ours.

Our arguments against Him; our hatred of God; our blaspheming His name as a curse; our friendship with the world - was overturned in one moment by the Blood of the Lamb. We were forgiven by the Father and our slate of offences wiped clean. 

We are no longer strangers or aliens but fellow citizens of the Household of God. As soon as we are born again our heavenly citizenship is restored.

We are spiritually built up on the foundations laid by the prophets and apostles, and Jesus Christ is the Chief Corner Stone of the holy temple made up of our spirits for a dwelling place of God. This is a building not of bricks and cement but a spiritual dwelling in Heaven. We worship Him for saving us from satan's clutches and cleansing us of all the evil he tempted us do.

Jesus says in Epesians 2 that we are seated in Him in heavenly places on the right hand of the Father. Seated means our work is finished. We have achieved salvation. 

Prayer: Father God how deep is Your love for us that You made this great plan to save us? Fill us with love and reverence for You that we always make You glad You saved us. In Jesus' name. Amen.