Monday 8 August 2016

Fresh Anointing

Scripture: Psalm 92 v 10

"But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of a unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil."

We hear people speak about "the anointing" but are not really sure what this means.  Kings and queens get anointed when they are crowned. It means they are set apart for a particular service to the people they reign over.

Jesus is called "The Anointed One" and He is, and was, unique in His life and sacrifice; resurrection and ascension, with the promise of returning to fetch His followers.  We are called saints because He removed our sins from us and set us apart for His purpose.

His anointing is given to us as He is in our hearts.  We are part of His actual Body and we live and move and have our being in His presence.  The gifts of the Holy Spirit are anointed and given to us for specific purposes.  To preach, to evangelize, to heal the sick, to cast out demons, to do miracles, to speak in tongues, to prophesy are all anointed by God.  Some pooh pooh them at their own peril.

Peter says we are kings.  Jesus is called the King of Kings, and we are the kings He is King of.  Anointed by Him for service.  He purchased us out of Satan's clutches with His own life and Blood.  He expects us to live as He lived and do the will of the Father, which is to tell people about the blessings of salvation.  He gives us the anointing to achieve this.

He also gave us free will to choose whether we will serve Him or not.  On the Day of Judgment the faithful will be rewarded with eternal joy in Heaven.  Those who choose personal pleasure over reaching the lost will be gambling with their lives.

Our horn, in the verse,  is our authority through Jesus. We have His 'power of attorney' to do the things He did, and even greater things!  He likens our horn to a unicorn. A singular horn through which the anointing comes.  We have only one source for our authority. God Himself. Whenever we try to use our human power to deal with problems in our lives or others, we fail. When we rely and lean on Godly help we will succeed.

We will be anointed with fresh oil. It is new every morning! Our God is a Creator. We get our creative talents from Him. Oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit and He gives us a fresh anointing to pray, praise, and worship Him every morning.  We are anointed to serve the Lord in a humble way. Always knowing that He knows best what should be done. 

Prayer: Father God, guide me to where I am needed most today and please work through me to love and bless the ones  who need You most.   Let Your fresh anointing be poured upon me daily to accomplish miracles and be a blessing to You.  In Jesus' name. Amen.