Sunday 25 February 2018

Blocking the Anointing

Scripture:  Revelation 22 v 19:  "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things that are written in this book."

The name CHRIST means The Anointed One. The One God the Father anointed to carry out a unique mission. All those who follow Jesus Christ and are filled with the Holy Spirit are anointed. This means that His followers are anointed to fulfil the plans God has sent us to do. An anointing is given so that the strength, wisdom and ability of Jesus can flow unhindered through us.

So what are the things that cause the flow of the anointing to dry up? Its important to guard ourselves against any blocks so that the work of God proceeds without hindrance.  When. we compromise our anointing by adding our own spin the result is a mess.

Disobedience is a huge block. When you break God's commandments the anointing is blocked until you repent of that sin and receive forgiveness.  If you continue in disobedience it opens a dark door through which many evils enter in.  Disobedience ties God's hands, which stops the flow of the Holy Spirit in our lives completely.

Jesus said a little bit of leaven leavens the whole lump. Leaven is sin. Just a little sin can contaminate our whole life and affect our family and church. If we are serious about following Jesus we must do our best to be like Him. Holy and sinless.  We do not want our names to be removed from the Lamb's Book of Life!

When the anointing is blocked pastors and prophets have to manufacture their own brand of anointing to "keep up appearances". This leads to all sorts of strange things being mixed into the truth. Over time these other doctrines become a whole new religion or cult.  

The Toronto Blessing or Catch the Fire movement is a result of a blocked anointing.  Jesus told me it was a consequence of the false teaching of sending angels to do your bidding!  Only God has control over His Heavenly Host.  The only spirits that can do our bidding are the lying spirits of Satan, and they do terrible things when we send them to bless others!

They are fallen angels with great power to destroy finances, life, health, peace, love and our walk with Jesus.  If you have ever done this sending of angels: Repent.  Call back every false Angel ever sent out and cancel the assignments given, send them to Jesus for judgment.  He told me Everywhere the angels go Toronto is sure to follow!  And it did!

Every religion is man-made! Only the Law of Moses and Christianity came directly from God. In Jeremiah 31 v 31: "Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah." Therefore to be in God's perfect will you have to follow His Son Jesus Christ.  The New Covenant is written in His Blood.

Any deviation from the simplicity of Christ and our complete surrender to Him will cause a block to the anointing and this will cause more division in the church. We are in the last days and it is vital that the church become united around the central truth of the Lordship of Jesus.

We can't have the "truth according to some televangelist", feathering his own nest or becoming a popular speaker.  It turns the gospel into lies and blocks the anointing. The entertainment centres that pass for church nowadays are an abomination to God. Jesus overthrows them as He did to the tables of the moneylenders in the Temple.

The Temple was supposed to be a house of Prayer. Through prayer our connection to Father God is kept sweet and fresh and anointed. It keeps a strong flow like a swift river and much is accomplished for His Kingdom.

The more willing and obedient we are to the Lord the more He can accomplish through us. The pure anointing flowing through a surrendered heart can touch the whole world. A manufactured substitute of anointing can bring the house down and sow error and terror in many places.  In 2 Corinthians 7 v 17: "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you."

We need to thoroughly examine our own lives and places of worship and place all before our Holy King to remove the unclean things from our lives which are stopping the flow of His anointing. Ask Him to unite the church in truth and love and give it proper direction.

In Thessalonians we are warned of the coming apostasy and falling away - when Christians backslide.  Apostasy includes believing in heresy which is serious doctrinal errors.  Allowing false doctrine in our churches by not confronting it and challenging it leads to heresy and apostasy.  It is happening all round the world and becoming very acceptable.  There is less and less discernment and more and more error blocking the precious anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Father God its time for us all to come clean and allow You to remove us from wrong spiritual experiences into Your absolute truth and holiness. Our survival depends on it. We need the full anointing to make it home to Heaven and to help others who are struggling. Hear our cry today O Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.