Sunday 24 February 2013

The Breastplate of Righteousness.

Scripture: Ephesians 6 v 14; Matt 5 v 20;

In the armour of God the breastplate protects your heart or your spirit. The best protection for the spirit is righteousness ie right standing with God. This is not self-righteousness which comes from pride and ego, but the righteousness of being in Jesus and His right standing with God. If we are in Him then whatever love and favour He receives from our Father we get the same.
This breastplate keeps our heart soft and yielded so that we easily hear the voice of Jesus guiding us out of danger zones. Jesus said in Matthew 5 that our righteousness must exceed the false righteousness of the religious Pharisees who trust in laws and traditions and religious practices that offend Him. Christianity is far removed from the man-made religions of the world. Any religion that is not centred on the righteousness of Jesus Christ is leading people away from truth and eternity in Heaven.
Jesus came from Heaven to rescue all of us who also came from there. That is why we say we are going home when we die. We may live on this planet but home is where our Father is. So keep your breastplate shiny with the righteousness of Jesus.
Prayer: Father God. Home is where the heart is and our real home is with You where Jesus says You have built mansions for us. The streets of Heaven are paved with gold and the Lamb is the Light of it. Keep our eyes upon You Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.