Monday 25 February 2013

The Shoes of Peace.

Scripture:  Ephesians 6 v 15; Revelation 12 v 11.

The third part of our armour are the shoes of the preparation of the gospel of peace. Shoes go on feet. Feet go on walks. We have to walk the walk of Jesus and not be ashamed of Him in our lives. Jesus did not do things in secret He did them openly before the whole of Israel.
These are no ordinary shoes as they are called the preparation of the gospel. This means we should prepare ourselves to be a witness for Jesus. Live a life beyond reproach and learn all you can about Jesus. The most important part of sharing your faith with others is to make Jesus real to them. They may know historical facts about Him but they need a personal relationship with Him. Sharing your testimony of how Jesus became real to you, blessings or miracles or healing you have had will be used by the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of the unsaved person. He may not respond immediately but the Lord will awaken his need for salvation.  Your words will bother him like a grain of sand to an oyster and God will make a beautiful pearl out of him.
Remember too that our gospel is a gospel of peace. It is not of strife and argument. Pray for Jesus to open your friends hearts to hear peacefully. If arguments arise they are not ready yet. Jesus is the Prince of Peace - it is His very nature and He will keep the peace around you too.
Prayer: Father God I want to share the peace and love I have found with everyone. Please help me prepare my shoes to walk in Your ways. Prepare the ones who need You to hear the gospel. In Jesus' name. Amen.