Friday 12 June 2020


By Kathleen de la Hunt

As I was praying about the TIME AFTER LOCKDOWN, I felt God say;

I have NOT revealed tomorrow to you, live today well and tomorrow will look after itself. Just look into my face and I will lead you with my eye into that which I have prepared for you.

I am doing a new thing, I am leading you in a new way.

You have not gone this way before, but I have gone before you!

In the season ahead, you will need to hold my hand and walk one step at a time, one day at a time. You cannot run ahead of me or linger behind, for you will need to be in-step with me.

I have NOT shown you my plans for you and I have NOT given you the grace you need for tomorrow, as I will only give you that grace as you need it.

Do not waste time trying to plan, work out, or reason what tomorrow looks like, as I have not given it to you yet!

For I am looking for a people that will trust me!

Who will trust me and know that I am faithful. 

I will not leave you or forsake you, as I lead you in this new season that is unknown to you, but is clearly known to me.

I am looking for a people of 

- obedience, not sacrifice

- relationship, not religion

- intimacy, not institutionalism

- simplicity, not extravagance.

- worship not entertainment 

I am looking for a people who will walk with me, hear my whisper, follow my leading and will be available to do whatever it is I ask of them to do.

Who will be present, have time and know how to just rest in me. I am looking for a people who will show my LOVE to those who have never known my love.

Know that the time ahead will have many difficult obstacles to overcome. But I have already overcome them. Just trust in me and not in yourself, in the world, nor in the predictions of this world. For those who walk with me, and trust me you will see my GLORY released through them and around them as never before. 

This is the time of my GLORY.

This is the final hour of my MERCY being shown to the world.

This is the time of my LOVE which covers a multitude of sin, being poured out over the nations.

This is the season of the world being in awe at my POWER that will be released in the most unexpected situations, through the most unsuspecting people in the most unusual circumstances, who just choose to be obedient to my leading in their daily walk.

Please know I have not shown you tomorrow as you do not have the grace to live it yet. 

There will be many difficult obstacles and there will be many situations that seem impossible. Fear will continue to try and grip hearts and stress will try and overwhelm the people, for the shaking times are not yet over! 

I am shaking and I am revealing and I am exposing. 

But those who fear my name, who hold my hand and who look into my face, will not be shaken. They will know no fear as they will experience my closeness as I hide them in the cleft of my rock, in the palm of my hand, for I will lead them through and carry them over every situation that seems too difficult for them to walk on their own.

This is the new day that is preparing the way for my soon return. Just as the disciples could not see what life beyond my crucifixion would be like, you cannot see what life in this new era will be like, but I have called you for a time such, I have given you my Spirit and I am preparing you to walk into all that lies ahead.

Things will not be as they were, the familiar is gone, that which was safe can no longer be a resting place, for I am your resting place

You will hear of the terrors, you will see the shakings, for there is more to come, but you will not be shaken if you hold my hand and look into my face.

This is a time of surrender, obedience, intimacy as you get to know me as never before.

This is the year of EYES being opened and people SEEING as never before and the anointing to SPEAK with GREATER AUTHORITY being released on my sons and daughters, who unshakably know who they are and who I am in them. 

It is the season of rising up in authority, yet being as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves. 

This is the season of drawing close to each other, for you will need each other in the time ahead.

Do not fear what tomorrow will bring, just trust me, for I have told you ahead of time, I am with you.

Loving Him more every day

Kathleen De La Hunt

11 June 2020

Published with permission.